Sep 24, 2015
  • “I dream my paintings and I paint my dreams.”

    -Vincent van Gogh

    Bela Borsodi’s disquisition into the dream/creativity connection beautifully illustrates the potential of the imagination.
  • “ Here is a big black blob of jello and hungry people can eat it. There is a diving board that they are about to jump into the blob and get stuck. They all have hair like me.”

  • “ It’s a tree in a cage that wants to break out.”

  • “ Here I am playing the Queen of ‘Evil’ after I am discovered acting on the street. I’m wearing a black dress and a crown, and I’m shouting “Evil!” On the left is the guy with the slate, and on the right is my direcor sitting in his chair.”

  • “ This is a futuristic ship in 2033 that shoots numbers as bullets. These numbers add up and then the ship decides how many bullets to shoot to resolve problems.”

  • “A heart means a life to me. I painted six because a cat has seven lives and I want to live for six."

  • “Ants are really amazing creatures. They’re my favorite insect, but porcupines are my favorite animal overall, though.”

  • “ I made the harness out of a blanket which I ripped by using the dragon’s claws. The dragon is running towards a huge penguin who has a dragon tail and sits on a giant rock. I’m riding the dragon and trying to change direction because the penguin is singing an annoying song.”

  • “ These figures are from my dreams and they’re both happy and sad. They are an even number of each feeling, so both are equal. Everyone should see they have wheels on their feet for movement and one has hair shaped like a baobob tree. I love baobob trees.”

  • " I like Japanese ‘kokeshi’ dolls—little wooden figures, often exchanged for friendship. The dolls are often accompanied by a  cat."

  • “ I wanted to imagine a funny underwater world. There’s lots of music there. A shark is on the saxophone, an octopus plays the flute, and a school of fish sing into a microphone. When they play their instruments there are lots of bubbles.”

  • “ I’d rather invent than imitate. This is a fantasy creature and it’s not bad or scary, just powerful. You shouldn’t make it angry or it can destroy you with its laser beam. Below are its eggs and one baby has already hatched.

  • “ Her name is Pom and she’s very sweet. She’s very old, has big claws, and if I’m bored or lonely I can always play with her.”

  • “ I want to be president of the United States so I can make sure animals are treated humanely. I’m a vegetarian but I also eat fish. In the White House I would have lots of things on my desk: A birthday cake, an avocado sandwich (no meat!), a wedding invitation, a coffee mug with snowflakes, a financial agreement, a check for $4937, and Ms. Westwood’s portrait.”

  • “ This is a giant peace—or anti-war—machine. It travels all the time over the world and makes sure that all people are living peacefully. If they are at war, then the machine makes them stop fighting, sometimes using a lot of force. There are many rooms inside and is operated by a lot of workers. There’s housing, trains for transportation, energy rooms for power, animal rooms with crocodiles and dead mice, swimming pools, venus flytraps, food storage, and a room with weapons and a giant stuffed snake.”

  • “ I drew a rocket because they’re so cool ! They are really fast and they can push you through gravity. I really like outer space.”

  • “ It’s a fantasy creature that is not yet discovered. It’s attacking a surfer who has fallen asleep on his surfboard.”

  • " They are three little children dressed as old men with beards, wearing different sized hats, and going for a picnic to the top of a hill. Up there is an apple tree which has six apples on it—two for each of them. Sitting on top of the biggest hat is a large vulture.”

  • " There is a naked evil girl in my dream who wanted to kill my mother. “ She tried to give my mom a poisonous magic potion, and my mom screamed  ‘please don’t get me.’ I was worried and stood next to her as it happened. My mom was wearing the same t-shirts, pants, and shoes as me.”


Lucid Dreamers